
4 Ways to Help Your Parent Make a Smooth Transition into Assisted Living

Jul 28, 2016

No one likes to think about moving his or her mom or dad into an assisted living facility, but sometimes, if living at home has become unsafe, it’s the only option. Deciding to move your parent into a facility can be one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever make - but of course, it’s […]

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4 Ways to Reduce Your Medical Costs in Retirement

Jul 26, 2016

When you’re living on your retirement savings, any opportunity to reduce unnecessary expenses is welcome. There are lots of ways people go about this. Many sell a house that’s become too big and expensive to maintain, and move into a smaller condo or townhouse. Some people find they no longer need more than one car, […]

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How Keeping Your Cool Can Help You Avoid Falling Victim to Scams

Jul 21, 2016

Every con artist knows that their victims are more easily manipulated when their emotions are running high. That could mean getting a victim overly excited by promising easy money, or falsely offering a coveted item at an incredibly low price. It could even mean stoking someone’s anger by making them feel they’ve missed out on […]

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Talking About Assisted Living with Elderly Parents

Jul 19, 2016

As our parents age, we find ourselves having to have all kinds of conversations with them on topics we’d rather not discuss. There’s the “How are you financially?” talk, the “What do I do when you die?” talk, and, just as unpleasant, the “I think it’s time to consider moving” talk. For seniors who have […]

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The Most Popular Start-Up Businesses for Retirees

Jul 14, 2016

Retirement today is a lot different from what it used to be. Now that people are living longer and staying healthier as they age, people who retire at age 65 may be looking at spending the next 30 years of their lives in retirement. And for many, that’s just a bit too much golf and […]

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Majority of Seniors Still Unaware of Life Settlement Option

Jul 12, 2016

Although life settlements are quickly becoming a more mainstream alternative for both institutional investors and seniors, the majority of seniors who lapse their life insurance policies are not aware that selling their policy on the Secondary Market is an option. According to a recent survey, out of 604 seniors surveyed, 86 percent did not know […]

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3 Surprises That Can Derail Your Retirement Plans

Jul 05, 2016

“The best-laid plans of mice and men…” - you know the rest. No matter how well you’ve prepared for your well-deserved retirement, there’s always the chance that unexpected events can arise, forcing you to rethink the next 5, 10, or 20 years of your life. How can you insulate yourself from the risks associated with […]

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3 Ways to Cover the Costs of Long-Term Care

Jun 30, 2016

As the Baby Boomers have begun coming into their golden years, a major question has begun popping up. It’s being asked at doctor’s offices, nursing homes, and financial advisors’ offices: How can I cover the costs of long-term care? It’s an important question to consider, as long-term care costs are already high, and continue to […]

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5 Things You Should Consider Before You Retire

Jun 28, 2016

Retirement: for some people it's the carrot at the end of a long, long stick, and for others it's a dreaded passage into a totally different way of life. Then there are those in the middle, who think of it simply as a chance to try something new and different. Whatever retirement means for you, […]

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What’s Next in Advisor Technology?

Jun 23, 2016

In 2015, the biggest technological innovation to hit the financial advisor industry seemed to be robo-advisors - automated portfolio management services that use algorithms to provide financial advice. Well, the robo-advisors are still around, but they have not, we’re happy to report, replaced your friendly human financial advisor - and it doesn’t look like they […]

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