Ashar Group is proud to support ACTEC fellows.
As a qualified appraiser of life insurance for estate, tax, and charitable planning, Ashar is also a life settlement broker with a fiduciary responsibility to protect the best interests of the policy owner/seller in the life settlement process.
We're Big Fans of Using the "F" Word - Fiduciary. Find Out Why ->
Life insurance is a mainstay in estate and business succession/buy-sell planning. As circumstances change, advisors and clients can appropriately value and potentially monetize policies for more than the cash surrender value. The valuation of existing life insurance policies is used by fiduciaries to protect clients' best interests and uncover value to help solve other planning needs.
Policy valuations for any need (trust-to-trust transfer, merger & acquisition, charitable donations, bankruptcy, or marital dissolutions) are incomplete without a fair market value and longevity component.
Ashar Group has certified valuation analysts on staff who provide accurate and timely life insurance valuations for any planning need.
Ashar Group has created a virtual knowledge base to provide fiduciaries, financial professionals, and strategic partners the ability to stay current on the life settlement market and educate them on the importance of treating life insurance as an asset.
Business was sold, and the policy was no longer needed
Business owner was able to receive additional value above and beyond the sale of the company.
Their needs had changed, and they no longer needed the policy
They were able to uncover significant liquidity and fund their retirement.
Liquidity constraints reduced donations
Cash created donation for the charity she loves.