
How to Know if You Still Need Life Insurance

Oct 30, 2018

Like a loyal friend, your life insurance policy has always been there for you and your family. You’ve paid the premiums consistently for that “just in case” protection to manage life’s unexpected events and expenses. Your kids are grown and successful and the house is paid off. Should you continue carrying life insurance?

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Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Estate from Taxes

Oct 23, 2018

Throughout your career, you’ve worked hard to save money and provide for your family. Setting aside earnings for life’s unexpected events, including illness, business or financial mishaps, disasters and more, has always been part of your financial plan. You recognize the importance of savings, and your persistence has allowed that nest egg to grow steadily […]

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Fit After Fifty: Better Living Through Pickleball

Sep 14, 2018

If the thought of exercise makes you cringe, you aren’t alone. We know we should exercise to be healthy and fit, although just one in five adults gets the recommended activity they should. A study conducted by AARP shows that about 85 percent of adults over 50 agree that exercise boosts general health, and 83 […]

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What to Include in Your Will: a Checklist

Sep 12, 2018

It’s an undeniable truth. None of us will live forever, so what happens to your possessions — not to mention younger children — when you pass away? Creating a will— putting your wishes down on paper specifying who will get your property when you die, and/or confirming who will care for your minor children — […]

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Estate Planning: Considerations for Choosing Your Executor

Sep 07, 2018

When thinking about estate planning, choosing an executor — the person you appoint to administer your estate and fulfill your final wishes — should be among your top priorities. Choosing the right executor can make the difference between timely, effective management and smooth dispersal of your assets, and a protracted and possibly embattled probate process.

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Strength Training for Seniors: Why Cardiovascular Exercise Isn't Enough

Sep 04, 2018

While it’s not uncommon to see senior citizens walking on a treadmill, making rounds on an outdoor track, or simply strolling through a park, it is unusual to encounter seniors engaged in strength training. This is extremely unfortunate, because strength training (also known as resistance training or weight lifting) is the only form of exercise […]

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Senior-Specific Tips for Successful Trip Planning

Sep 03, 2018

According to recent research by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), a large majority of seniors will embark on at least one leisure trip in the coming year. A little over half of seniors expect to travel domestically, though 43 percent say they would like to travel both in the U.S. and abroad.

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Summer for Seniors: Beating the Heat

Aug 29, 2018

It’s that time. The time of sweltering temperatures. Of icy lemonades. Of kids frolicking in sprinklers. Of outrageous air-conditioning bills.

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Getting on the Same Page: Talking to Your Aging Parent About Long-term Care Needs

Jul 30, 2018

It may seem that “that day” will never come—until it does. “That day” is the day one or both of your aging parents requires long-term care. If you haven’t already had the important conversations about what this means and who will be responsible, it can be a much more difficult day than it needs to […]

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The Gender Gap in Retirement Savings

Jul 26, 2018

Women encounter unique challenges for retirement that often begin long before they exit the workforce. A 2016 study by the The National Institute on Retirement Security, Shortchanged in Retirement, found women “80 percent more likely than their male counterparts to be impoverished at age 65 and older.”

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