Success Story

Meet Maria

Her family put off their own financial plans to care for her.

Instead of focusing on their own retirement and family financial goals, Maria’s adult children were funding her caregiving needs. The life settlement created enough funds to pay for her care and eliminated the burdensome premium payments. Her children were happy they could fund care for their mother and focus on their long-term financial goals.

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Type of Policy:
Guaranteed UL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
Number of Bids:

Funding Long-Term Care

Policy Owners/Families
LifeCare Funding is now a part of Ashar Group. With our extensive network, policy owners use the life settlement process to fund long-term care needs for themselves or their loved ones.
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Care Facilities
Join the thousands of care facilities (home healthcare, senior care, assisted living, nursing home, and retirement communities) that share the life settlement solution with patients and families looking to fund care and have chosen Ashar as their trusted resource.
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More Success Stories
Meet Herb, 77 & Toby, 76

Financial ripple effect caused reductions in cash flow
Used the cash to fund their livelihood.

Type of Policy:
Survivorship UL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Scott, 74

Restaurant owner in his early 70s
Businesses were severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Type of Policy:
Term Conversion
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Cecilia, 85

Liquidity constraints reduced donations
Cash created donation for the charity she loves.

Type of Policy:
Universal Life
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Frequently Asked Questions
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