Success Story

Meet Hector

Premiums increased significantly and became a financial burden.

Like so many policy owners, Hector put in place a responsible plan. But over time, the premiums for his life insurance policy became a significant financial burden. His financial advisor encouraged him to investigate all his options. The life settlement eliminated future premium payments, so he reallocated those funds and the settlement proceeds to cover today’s needs, relieving financial stress.

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Type of Policy:
Indexed UL
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Cash Surrender Value:
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More Success Stories
Meet Herb, 77 & Toby, 76

Financial ripple effect caused reductions in cash flow
Used the cash to fund their livelihood.

Type of Policy:
Survivorship UL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Teresa, 92

COVID-19 created visitation restrictions for nursing homes
She was able to remain safely at home with proper care.

Type of Policy:
Universal Life
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Cecilia, 85

Liquidity constraints reduced donations
Cash created donation for the charity she loves.

Type of Policy:
Universal Life
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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