Success Story

Meet Herb & Toby

COVID-19 ripple effect caused reductions in cash flow.

Herb and Toby were seeing the detrimental effect of an underfunded policy, increased longevity, and rising premiums all compounded by a pandemic restricting their already limited cash flow. Their adult children urged them to have their policy appraised, resulting in a cash payment that will help them fund their livelihood for years to come.

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Type of Policy:
Survivorship UL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
Number of Bids:
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Liquidity constraints reduced donations
Cash created donation for the charity she loves.

Type of Policy:
Universal Life
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Carlos, 87

On the verge of outliving his planned coverage
A life settlement created value and alleviated future premium payments.

Type of Policy:
Universal Life
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Judy, 88

Policy was no longer needed for estate planning
Client was able to fund all lifestyle and caregiving needs.

Type of Policy:
Survivorship UL - One Deceased
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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