Success Story

Meet June

Her policy was underfunded and sitting in an ILIT.

When June and her husband purchased their policy, they were told they’d never have to make another premium payment. Her husband is deceased, and June is living longer than she ever expected. As her health declined, she was facing costly premiums and mounting medical bills. Her financial professional reviewed the value of all her assets, including her life insurance policy.

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Type of Policy:
Survivorship UL - One Deceased
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
Number of Bids:
More Success Stories
Meet Mike, 78 & Sharon, 77

Surrendering policy and interested in receiving more money
Adult children unable to pay premiums to maintain the policy.

Type of Policy:
Survivorship UL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Scott, 74

Restaurant owner in his early 70s
Businesses were severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Type of Policy:
Term Conversion
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Maria, 80

Client outlived all planning and premiums were due
The adult children no longer needed to fund the caregiving needs.

Type of Policy:
Guaranteed UL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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