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Jun 30, 2021

Her policy was eating cash flow needed for caregiving costs. Diane’s adult children were funding both her long-term care needs and maintaining her life insurance policy. However, an increase in cost of insurance was going to cause them to lapse the policy for the minimal cash surrender value. The long-term care facility recommended using Ashar […]

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May 11, 2021

Her family put off their own financial plans to care for her. Instead of focusing on their own retirement and family financial goals, Maria’s adult children were funding her caregiving needs. The life settlement created enough funds to pay for her care and eliminated the burdensome premium payments. Her children were happy they could fund […]

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May 11, 2021

Her policy was no longer neededfor estate planning purposes. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 meant Judy no longer needed all the life insurance she’d put in place years ago. Her estate planning attorney requested an appraisal for secondary market value. Through the appraisal process, they opted to sell one of the policies […]

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Life Settlements Increase Amid Life Expectancy Crisis in the US

Apr 01, 2021

Average life expectancy in the US took a drastic 1-year plunge during the first half of 2020 due to Covid-19. Historically, overall life expectancy has dropped only 3 times since 1860 attributable to the Civil War, the First World War, and the Spanish Flu epidemic. According to the CDC, heart disease and cancer have long […]

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The 3 Biggest Financial Concerns When Caring for Aging Parents

Jun 18, 2020

Although it’s not what one plans for, thousands of adults across the nation have found themselves caring for aging parents. This care could range from occasional assistance, like helping a parent shop for groceries or getting to their appointments. This increased demand for both time and money can lead to stress and strain for everyone […]

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Percentage of Children Funding the Needs of their Aging Parents

Sep 18, 2019

According to Forbes, it is more expensive to care for an aging parent than it is to raise a child for their first 17 years of life. However, few adult children possess the financial resources to successfully contend with this reality. For this reason, it’s important that financial professionals be well acquainted with the financial […]

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Self-Care for Caregivers

Jan 08, 2019

“I have the right to take care of myself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will give me the capability of taking better care of my relative.” Adapted from A Caregiver’s Bill of Rights by Jo Horne and published in 1985 by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), this is the first […]

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States Taking Steps to Implement Best Interest Regulations for Life Insurance Sales

Dec 16, 2018

The life insurance industry may soon be facing major changes to the way its agencies do business. Two states, Nevada and New York, have recently passed legislation that requires more people in the financial services industry to put their clients’ best interests ahead of what’s most profitable to them.

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How to Talk Finances with Aging Parents

Nov 27, 2018

Chances are, you recall how your parents helped and guided you as you grew up. Remember the critical discussions about responsibility, honesty, and compassion? Now, later in life, those roles have reversed. Now you’re the one offering support and guidance to your aging parents, and at least one conversation will likely revolve around money.

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Is 85 the new 65? Longevity Among Senior Americans is on the Rise

Jun 14, 2018

The Administration for Community Living has issued their 2017 Profile of Older Americansreport, and the data indicate several interesting and important trends in our country’s population demographics. Unfortunately, these trends dovetail to create a concerning picture of the financial needs and preparedness of this group.

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