
How to Help Your Senior Clients Make This Year Their Best One Yet

Feb 14, 2017

The end and the beginning of the year are times ripe with opportunity to reflect, repair, and improve our finances. As a financial advisor, you know this better than anyone. Now that the end of last year has come and gone, and we’re at the start of the new one, your clients are probably coming […]

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Your Retirement Checklist: How to Start Your Year Off Right

Feb 09, 2017

If you’re a recent retiree, you’re probably still getting used to your new lifestyle. There are a lot of changes to take in, and not just things like having all day to do whatever you like, or not having to get up at a certain time each morning. Your finances will have to be managed […]

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The Biggest Financial Issues Facing Senior Women in 2016

Feb 07, 2017

Senior women in 2017 face a very different reality than their own mothers did 20 or 30 years ago. For one thing, many senior women have been working for all or most of their adult lives, so they’re more financially independent. At the same time, however, they’re coming into retirement age during a period of uncertainty […]

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Remarriage and Retirement: 3 Ways Remarrying Late in Life Can Affect Your Finances

Jan 31, 2017

Whether you’re thinking of getting married for the first time or the fifth, marriage in your senior years looks quite different from marriage in your 20s. For one thing, you’re a lot more mature than younger engaged couples and newlyweds. You’ve probably got more experience in resolving conflict, compromise, and respecting boundaries - all of […]

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Prepare for the Worst, Expect the Best: Preparing for Worst-Case Retirement Scenarios

Jan 31, 2017

We all hope that when we retire, we’ll have the funds to live the kind of life we’ve dreamt of for years. Travel, relaxation, volunteering, spending time with family - these are the things that so many of us imagine doing, and not one of them earns a paycheck. But what if something happens to […]

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5 Actions Seniors Should Take for Retirement

Jan 27, 2017

2016 is now behind us and many a seniors are looking at their financial plans to see how they can do better this year. This is especially true for seniors, who have already retired or are planning on retiring soon. When you don’t have regular paychecks to rely on anymore, making and sticking to a […]

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Why You Should Discuss a Life Settlement with Your Client in 2017

Jan 18, 2017

The end of one year and the beginning of another is a time of reflection and change - a time when we consider what we’ve accomplished in the past year, and set goals for the one to come. This is as true in a financial advisor’s office as it is anywhere else. After all, the […]

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New Year’s Resolutions for Financial Advisors

Dec 30, 2016

How are you going to make 2017 an even better year for you and your practice than 2016 was? Are you going to expand your client services? Educate yourself about a new financial area? Work harder at bringing in clients of multiple generations? There’s no better way to lay out your plans for the year […]

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3 Ways to Build Trust with Reticent Clients

Nov 29, 2016

Trust is a vital element of any business relationship, but in financial advising, it’s absolutely essential. Your clients are giving you influence over one of the most important parts of their lives: their finances. The stakes are high. As we all know, following bad or unscrupulous financial advice can lead to ruin, and clients are […]

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3 More Ways to Pay for Long-Term Care

Nov 23, 2016

If you’re not prepared, paying for long-term care can be one of the most stressful financial burdens many adults face in their golden years. With costs running into the tens of thousands of dollars per year, and only increasing, long-term care requires thoughtful financial planning. Thankfully, there are several options for paying these costs, as […]

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