
What Happens to Corporate-Owned Life Insurance When a Key Person Retires?

Aug 31, 2023

A corporate-owned life insurance policy is generally purchased to protect a business in the event a key partner/employee of that business passes away. Among other benefits, the insurance policy helps to bridge the gaps the death of that individual causes and ensures the company continues to function. But what happens to that policy with the individual retires?

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Wealth Management Article - 2023 Mid-Year Outlook

Aug 24, 2023

Advisors are asking their compliance departments, “How can I tell my clients that I provide comprehensive and holistic financial planning, yet not disclose the life settlement option when it is appropriate?” With an aging population, many clients prefer to receive a buyout of their existing life insurance for an amount that is higher than their cash surrender value, providing liquidity for investments and other retirement needs.

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Shooting for the Centenarian Club

Aug 02, 2023

This is personal. If you’re not paying attention to clients like me, you’re missing out on a huge growing segment of the financial planning arena driven by baby boomers. At my age, I’m on the leading edge of the boomers. In September of last year, I broke my back when took a Superman flight over the handlebars of my mountain bike. I knew immediately this was different than my previous accidents where I was sidelined for several weeks because of torn muscles and ligaments in my shoulders. This time, I couldn’t walk for a while and my thumb and two fingers on my right hand were numb. This one really scared me.

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Compliance-Centric Life Settlements Serve Best Interests

May 19, 2023

Over time, compliance officers have come to recognize that if life settlements are pursued for the right reasons, after a thorough review of all non-forfeiture options and suitability, a life settlement could very well be in clients' best interests. It is a viable exit strategy that should be disclosed in a comprehensive policy review in partnership with a resource that offers a compliance-centric process. However, broker-dealers do not just allow life settlements carte blanche. They put strict procedural guardrails in place to protect the company and their representatives from liability risk. 

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What Seniors in Retirement Need to Know About Their Existing Life Insurance

Apr 11, 2023

Life settlements are the sale of an existing life insurance policy for more than the cash surrender value and less than the death benefit. Anyone age 65 or older who has developed health issues since their policy was issued and owns a universal life or convertible term insurance policy has a high probability of benefiting from selling their policy. Policies with a death benefit of $250K or more can qualify. Younger policy owners with serious chronic illnesses can also explore the life settlement option.

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Life Settlements: How to Avoid the #1 Most Costly Mistake

Mar 16, 2023

Responding to online advertising and generic value calculators can mislead client expectations. Many things in life rarely come about; when this happens, the average person doesn’t have the knowledge to make a good decision. This can be true for financial professionals and consumers alike. Understanding life settlements is one of those things. Where do advisors and consumers go to find the answers to questions about life settlements?

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Get Your Tax Planning Checklist for Existing Life Insurance Policies

Mar 16, 2023

Ashar Group has created a special checklist for tax season that helps you conduct a new and timely discussion that strengthens your current relationships and opens the door to new ones. Most tax practitioners are unaware that existing life insurance policies can provide a value significantly higher than the cash surrender value offered by the issuing insurance carrier.

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Life Insurance Valuation - Early Detection Checklist Protects Client Best Interest

Feb 22, 2023

Over time, the need for life insurance coverage naturally changes. While life insurance can sometimes be the largest asset a client owns, it’s rarely reviewed for fair market value like other assets, including real estate, art, and jewelry. This results in clients making uninformed decisions, missing lucrative planning opportunities, and paying unnecessary premiums.

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Maximizing Life Settlement Value Through a Policy Auction

Jan 24, 2023

Life insurance can be the largest unmanaged asset a client owns. Policy owners allocate significant liquidity on an ongoing basis, often long after they transition out of the original need that the policy was put in place to protect. Discussing the opportunity to take an illiquid asset and monetize it when clients are going through a financial transition, whether to fund business, retirement, long term care or charitable endeavors, can be a powerful client conversation.

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Independent Representation - the Cornerstone of a Successful Life Settlement

Nov 09, 2022

Navigating Life Settlements: How do you ensure your client monetizes their policy for fair market value (FMV) rather than settling for discounted value? The path you choose will determine how much value created ends up on the policy owner/sell-side of the negotiation table versus the buy-side. One wrong turn can take you and your client […]

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