Which is better? One offer or 10+ competitive offers?


The best way to maximize life settlement value to clients is to execute an auction that forces buyer competition. Buyers are looking for the best rate of return for the investors they represent. As a life settlement fiduciary representing the best interests of the policy owner, we use our proprietary policy auction platform to create competition and negotiate the best offer for your client. 

Illustration: policy auction of an actual case study.


How is Ashar Group different?
Ashar Group is a nationally licensed independent seller’s representative. We sit on the same side of the table as the planning professional and their client, ensuring the policy owner’s best interests are protected. Because we don’t purchase the policies, our sole responsibility is to the client. Through our competitive auction, we create competition between buyers to ensure they are getting the best offer.

Practice Tip: Ask these three questions to your life settlement resource.

  1. Are you licensed to represent the seller or the investor?
  2. Do you facilitate a transparent policy auction between independent life settlement providers?
  3. Does your organization sell life insurance or manage assets?

Who is buying my client’s policy? Ashar Group works with licensed purchasers representing multiple funds comprised of some of the most well-known institutional investment groups (pension plans, private equity firms, and asset managers). We never work with purchasers who represent individual investors or those who do not abide by all applicable regulatory requirements.

How long does the life settlement process take? Be careful about high pressure for a quick close that can leave significant value on the table for your clients and less revenue for you. Like selling a house or a business, life insurance is property, and selling it can take about the same amount of time. Proper preparation is vital to negotiating the marketing and ensuring the seller receives the highest offer. A range of potential value can be provided with a phone call and some policy and health information. The entire process from beginning to end varies, but our experienced team is dedicated to compressing timeframes and delivering results to every policy owner and financial professional we serve.

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