Success Story

Meet Mike and Sharon

Planning to surrender and wanted to maximize their options.

Mike and Sharon knew the reason they purchased their life insurance policy no longer existed. Their children were self-sufficient, and they were enjoying their retirement years. When they approached their insurance planner about surrendering the policy, she asked if they would be interested in another option. The life settlement is funding their retirement and creating memories with their family.

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Type of Policy:
Survivorship UL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
Number of Bids:
More Success Stories
Meet Thomas, 82 & Katherine, 79

Their needs had changed, and they no longer needed the policy
They were able to uncover significant liquidity and fund their retirement.

Type of Policy:
Survivorship GUL
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Diane, 92

Policy was eating cash flow needed for caregiving costs
Funded long-term care needs and relieved financial stress from her family.

Type of Policy:
Universal Life
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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Meet Carlos, 87

On the verge of outliving his planned coverage
A life settlement created value and alleviated future premium payments.

Type of Policy:
Universal Life
Policy Face Value:
Cash Surrender Value:
Life Settlement Value:
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