Over the past several years, life settlements have taken center stage in the financial world as regulations around life insurance have increased. And as such, they have become a valuable tool in comprehensive planning. However, we still come across many financial professionals who may know what a life settlement is, but not how the transaction works or could help their clients. This is where Ashar Group can help.


Are you wondering whether a life settlement is the right choice for your client? Selling a life insurance policy is a big decision that you should be sure is the right option before recommending it to your client. However, when a senior, and possibly their family, is struggling under the immense burden of financial stress, a life settlement can be exactly what they need to alleviate financial stress.

As a financial professional, you have the power to help them relieve that burden. It’s vital to know what options are available - and a life settlement could be one of them. Here are a few ways to determine whether a life settlement makes sense for your client.



Life settlements have been an accepted financial tool for over 30 years, but many financial professionals are still unfamiliar with the details of how the transaction works.

The life settlement option can be a great benefit to seniors struggling with issues like how to pay for long-term care, mounting medical bills, or a dwindling retirement fund. It’s important that financial advisors understand the life settlement exit strategy. Not only may it be useful to your clients over the age of 70, but it can also enhance your financial practice and reputation.


Excerpt from the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Q&A with Larry Brody

Excerpt from the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Q&A with Larry Brody

Excerpt from the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Q&A with Larry Brody

Excerpt from the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Q&A with Larry Brody

Excerpt from the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Q&A with Larry Brody

Excerpt from the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Q&A with Larry Brody

Excerpt from the 55th Annual Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Q&A with Larry Brody

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