This post is part of our series for advisors to pass to their clients. We at Ashar believe that knowledge is power, and we want to help you provide the resources that policy sellers need to understand the life settlement industry.
My little granddaughter came to visit the other night, and she is just the cutest thing. She’s six years old with honey-blonde hair and sparkly brown eyes. She had a great time playing in the yard while I made hamburgers, and after dinner, she wanted to play beauty shop with my wife.
Harmless fun, right? My wife grabbed some old makeup, hairbrushes, and costume jewelry and the two had a ball… right until Ainsley started asking if she could cut Grandma’s hair. “I’m really good at it, I promise!” she protested. We had a hard time explaining to her that no, cutting hair is something that only grown-ups can do, and even then, they need licenses. (more…)