
A Brief History of Life Settlements

Jun 21, 2016

When did you first become familiar with the life settlement market? Months ago? Years? Decades? If it’s the latter, you’re in rare company. Many financial advisors today still feel that they’re on unfamiliar ground when it comes to talking about life settlements with their senior clients. There are a couple of reasons for this. For […]

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Avoiding Fraud: Online Safety for Seniors

Jun 16, 2016

The image of a senior staring confusedly at a computer screen, wondering what on earth the contraption does, is about as dated as referencing Gordon Gekko in casual conversation. Today’s seniors are often just as tech-savvy as younger generations. Baby Boomers text, email, tweet, and post on Facebook with happy abandon, whipping out their smartphones […]

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The Pros and Cons of Phased Retirement

Jun 14, 2016

Since the recession of 2008, more and more seniors have found themselves working further into their retirement years than they’d originally planned. Some do so out of necessity, others because they find they’re just not ready to enter the retirement lifestyle. Enter phased retirement. This alternative to the traditional here-today, gone-tomorrow method of leaving one’s […]

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Potential Medicaid Recipients Don’t Have to Abandon Life Insurance Policies

Jun 09, 2016

Elder law attorneys, advisors who sell long-term care insurance, and organizations involved in elder care see the same unfortunate circumstances with their senior clients every day. Among your clients needing long-term care, you've probably seen two scenarios play out many times: In the first one, your client already has long-term care insurance, so they're able […]

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Why You Should Have a Financial Advisor

Jun 02, 2016

I've been working in the financial services industry for many years. I've been in the life settlement brokerage business with Ashar for almost a decade, and before that, I was an insurance executive for 18 years. So you could say I'm pretty comfortable with how finances work - not just in the professional sense, but […]

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More Family Caregivers Are Struggling to Balance Employment with Caregiving Duties

May 31, 2016

It’s no secret that family caregivers have to manage a major balancing act, whether they’re working or not. If the caregiver is at home with their loved one, they have to balance caring for their own families - and just as importantly, themselves - with taking care of their family member. That means scheduling doctor’s […]

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5 of the Most Important Financial Planning Trends for 2016

May 27, 2016

As 2016 marches on, we’re seeing many of the financial planning trends play out as predicted at the end of last year. A rise in the importance of technology, more financially literate clients, and longevity are all playing a larger role in financial planning this year, with some interesting results. Here’s a look at five […]

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4 Retirement Planning Tips for Women Over 50

May 26, 2016

While certain financial issues are the same for everyone - stick to a budget, save for retirement, consider your long-term care needs - there are some things that, like it or not, women need to think about more than men. That's true of retirement planning, as well. When it comesto planning for retirement, women and […]

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Understanding the Value of Life Insurance Brings Peace of Mind

May 17, 2016

If you’ve read our blog in the past, you may know that Ashar’s president, Jason T. Mendelsohn, is an oral cancer survivor. Diagnosed with stage 4 HPV-related tonsil cancer in 2014, Jason went through seven months of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, as well as surgery to remove his tonsils and 42 lymph nodes. As he […]

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President Obama Signs Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act

May 12, 2016

In April, President Obama signed into law the reauthorized Older Americans Act, a piece of legislation that provides essential programs for seniors throughout the country. The original law expired more than four years ago, and senior advocates like the AARP have been urging Congress to reauthorize it for years - many since before its expiration. […]

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