get a secondary opinion®

Fair Market Value

Ashar’s proprietary SMV®, Secondary Market Valuation, is a unique analysis performed by Ashar Group to assess the fair market value of a life insurance or annuity asset for planning purposes. How does this help your customers?

The Secondary Market offers options such as selling a policy for a lump sum payment, or retaining a portion of the death benefit held in a trust for their beneficiaries with no future premium payment required. This retained death benefit strategy eliminates the burden of having to fund future premium payments, and it gives the original policy owners the ability to retain an interest in the policies' value.

The increased public awareness of life settlements, a strong regulatory environment, and consumer friendly legislation protecting the right of the policy owners to sell their life insurance policies for more value are the main reasons why the secondary market has become an attractive option. The SMV® was created to meet the demands of attorneys, CPAs, and fiduciaries for a standardized valuation of life insurance assets in this growing market.

If you think your client is in a position where a SMV could provide a better outcome, talk to a secondary advisor at 800-384-8080. You can also go to to take the first steps in determining if a policy may qualify for a life settlement.