Who We Serve

Policy Owners

Does your life insurance policy still serve its original purpose?

Policy owners put life insurance in place for many reasons. Over time, the policy may no longer serve its original purpose, or the premiums become unaffordable, and it is time to consider alternative options. A life settlement can be the solution to funding long-term care, covering medical costs, or retirement needs.

happy healthy older couple jogging

Should You Keep or Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?

Did you know you can sell a life insurance policy for cash? A life settlement offers a significantly higher value than simply letting an unneeded, unwanted or unaffordable policy lapse. Whether you are a policy owner or a loved one looking for options, the first step is to determine its value. Our sole responsibility is to you – the policy owner. We ensure you get the unbiased information you need to determine the right path and deliver the best possible outcome.
Your life insurance policy is an asset and should be valued.
Find out if a life settlement is the right path for you.
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Hear it from Joe and Debbie

Ashar’s competitive auction process ensures the highest offer to solve everyday problems and minimize financial stress on families and business owners.


Will I need a medical exam?
Is a life settlement legal?
How common are life settlements?
I see a lot of ads on TV about selling my life insurance. How is Ashar different?
How can I ensure I have representation that protects my best interests?
If my policy has value now, won’t it have more in the future?
How do I know if I will qualify?
What is my policy worth?
How long does the life settlement process take?
Who’s actually buying my policy?
Are life settlement proceeds taxable?
Keep or Sell
Frequently Asked Questions
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